Tablet-Display in Benutzung

Digitally trained

The University of Konstanz receives funding from the Ministry of Economics in Stuttgart as one of six projects on the use of digitisation in professional training

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Sovereign debt in the twentieth century

A scientific network involving the economic historian Junior Professor Julia Rischbieter from the University of Konstanz examines the significance and effects of sovereign debt by investigating the actions of individual agents

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Quantum gates of two silicon electrons. Two nano-electrodes (VL and VR) control the angular momentum of both electrons. A third nano-electrode (VM) coordinates the interaction of both electrons.

Stable quantum bits

Physicists from Konstanz, Princeton and Maryland create a stable quantum gate as a basic element for the quantum computer

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Sea urchin spines

Nature’s blueprint

Based on the nanostructure of the sea urchin spines, the research team Physical Chemistry at the University of Konstanz develops cement that is significantly more fracture-resistant.

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