ZKF Public Talk: Emerging Forms

Wednesday, 3. July 2024
17:30 - 19:00

Bischofsvilla + online

ZKF, Research Network „Form in Dialogue“

Dr. Wolfgang Funk (Universität Mainz), Prof. Dr. Irmtraud Huber (Universität Konstanz)

Meeting-ID: 915 3170 7702

In cooperation with the Research Network „Form in Dialogue“

Can a conversation about form, about its aesthetics and politics, its shapes and effects, its formations and transformations foster research practices that are dialogical? Can we begin from an understanding of form as process rather than product, ecology rather than self-sufficiency, in order to renew our processes of knowledge production as dynamic dialogue, an interlacing and interrelation of perspectives, which engage with and rub against each other? These and related questions inspire the work of the Form in Dialogue Network, funded by the DFG, which has begun work last November. Network coordinators Wolfgang Funk (Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz) and Irmtraud Huber will present the premises and the current work in progress of the network in appropriately dialogic fashion.

Contact: zkf@uni-konstanz.de