Teacher at her desk
Teacher at her desk

Offers for lecturers

BNEws: The newsletter about sustainability in teaching

Everything you need to know about sustainability in teaching and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the University of Konstanz (and beyond) can be found compactly and at a glance in this newsletter. What examples of best practice are there? What interesting events are taking place in the near future? What funding opportunities, prizes and calls for proposals are currently available? What internal and inter-university networking opportunities are there in the field of sustainability in teaching? The newsletter provides answers to these and other questions and keeps you regularly up to date.

[Translate to Englisch:] Spielfiguren mit verbindenden Strichen
[Translate to Englisch:] Spielfiguren mit verbindenden Strichen

Networking and exchange

Would you like to share teaching experiences related to sustainability with others or are you looking for examples of best practice and tried-and-tested teaching concepts from Education for Sustainable Development? There are various networking formats on the topic of sustainability in teaching, both within the university and beyond.

Working group teaching and science communication

The Sustainable Development Working Group is made up of members from all status groups and collects ideas, develops concepts and formulates recommendations for action to guide the University of Konstanz's strategic decisions in the area of sustainability. The sub-working group teaching and science communication focusses on information, communication and networking on the one hand and on the expansion and bundling of teaching on sustainable development at the University of Konstanz on the other.

Are you interested in joining the teaching and science sommunication sub-working group? Then please get in touch with us.

Hub "Innovative teaching formats for ESD" of the DG HochN

The hub "Innovative teaching formats for ESD" of the German Society for Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions (DG HochN) aims to offer teachers and other stakeholders a cross-university and interdisciplinary platform for innovative formats for ESD teaching at universities. In addition to the interdisciplinary exchange of experiences, the focus is on sharing best practice and providing teaching materials.

The Inno4BNE project, which is closely linked to the Hub both thematically and organisationally, also offers a collection of examples of innovative teaching formats in the field of Education for Sustainable Development.

ESD University Network Baden-Württemberg

The ESD University Network Baden-Württemberg offers opportunities for ESD experts from Baden-Württemberg's universities to exchange information on current research, innovative teaching methods and regional transfer projects in the field of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). This enables the universities to network better, exchange experiences and utilise synergy effects in the implementation of ESD concepts. As a cross-university cooperation platform, the network supports the structural and prospective anchoring of ESD in Baden-Württemberg's educational landscape.

The annual conferences, which take place at different locations, and the network's regular newsletter are highly recommended for all those interested in higher education ESD.

Training for teachers in ESD and sustainability

New offer from summer semester 2025: support from student ESD multipliers

  • Are you interested in sustainable development but feel that your own teaching topics cannot really be linked to sustainability?
  • Are you looking for new impulses for your teaching and concrete and directly realisable ways to integrate sustainability into your courses?
  • Would you like to promote student engagement and participation and create space for other (learning) experiences for students in your teaching?
  • Would you like to try something new in your teaching and get involved in a co-teaching setting with students, for example?

Then let student experts in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) support you.

Telephone receiver
Telephone receiver

Individual counselling and support

Would you like to include sustainability topics in your course? Would you like to organise your course in the spirit of Education for Sustainable Development? Would you like to find out more about sustainability skills and/or would you like to try out new teaching and learning formats relating to sustainability?

The coordinator for teaching in the area of sustainability is available to advise and support you with all questions and concerns regarding the integration of sustainability into your teaching.