How can I finance my continuing education programme?

Securing funding for continuing academic education programmes is a particular challenge. However, there are various ways to fund the development, marketing and implementation of such programmes. Our team will be happy to explain your options and work with you to develop suitable business models and financing concepts customized to fit your idea. All continuing education programmes at the University of Konstanz are provided on a not-for-profit basis.

Funding options

Tuition and fees

After careful analysis of the relevant target groups and demand for the continuing education programme, we work with you to develop a viable business model that makes sustainable financing possible. This includes a business plan with a targeted marketing concept aimed at setting tuition/fees to cover the expenses.

External funding

External funding from public or private sources is regularly available for continuing academic education, e.g. for professions related to socio-political issues or for teachers. Some examples include the German initiative promoting life-long learning or the teacher education campaign Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung. We monitor all the relevant calls for applications and work with you to analyze whether external funding programmes may be suitable for your continuing education idea. We are also happy to support you with the application process.

External funding for programmes for specific target groups

Sometimes external funding is provided for specific target groups, for example, our socio-political programme Leadership For Syria which was funded by the Federal Foreign Office and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and coordinated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). For these funding sources, too, we are happy to assist you with your corresponding application for external funding.