Applying for an LGFG scholarship and FAQs

Applying for an LGFG-funded doctoral scholarship

Please submit the following documents:

  1. Complete application sheet (excel)
  2. Work plan and schedule/proposal (pdf)
  3. Your university certificates (e.g. examination certificate, transcript of records) (pdf)
  4. Confirmation of acceptance as a doctoral candidate (pdf)
  5. Curriculum vitae (pdf)
  6. Reference from your primary supervisor (pdf)
  7. Reference from a second professor (pdf)

If your application for a scholarship is successful, we will ask you to provide evidence of your current financial situation and submit originals of the corresponding documents for review.

FAQs and answers

How much is the scholarship worth?

The basic scholarship amount is currently 1,365 euros plus a monthly lump sum of 40 euros to cover your material and travel expenses.

The scholarship recipient is entitled to a family allowance of 160 euros per month,

  1. if he/she or his/her partner is eligible for child allowance for their mutual child under the Einkommensteuergesetz (income tax legislation) or the Bundeskindergeldgesetz (federal child benefit act),
  2. if he/she is eligible for child allowance as a single parent under the Einkommensteuergesetz (income tax legislation) or Bundeskindergeldgesetz (federal child benefit act),
  3. if he/she is a foreign national and not eligible for child allowance under the Einkommensteuergestz (income tax legislation) or the Bundeskindergeldgesetz (federal child benefit act), but able to provide confirmation from the local registration office that his/her child shares a common household with him/her.

If you have more than one child, you are entitled to 210 euros per month in child allowance. If both partners are in receipt of LGFG scholarships or if the partner of the LGFG scholarship recipient has been awarded a different scholarship, but on similar terms to those of the LGFG, child allowance will be granted only once. 

How long does the scholarship last?

The scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 3 years. You may choose to apply for a shorter funding period.

If you then want to extend your scholarship for another consecutive year or two you must submit a positive recommendation by your supervisor or supervisors (if you have more than one) based on a progress report submitted by you.

Eligibility and part-time work

Exclusion from scholarship funding

Scholarship recipients must devote the majority of their time to their doctoral research project. You may take on research and teaching responsibilities at your university and carry out other comparable activities. These activities must not exceed an average of 48 hours per month. The scholarship holder is not required to accept such obligations.

You must notify the university if you decide to take up employment. You must submit a declaration of income with every progress report.

Deduction of income

If you earn 16,950 euros per year or more (30% of pay grade E 13, level 2 TV-L), we will adjust your scholarship amount accordingly. We calculate the scholarship amount based on your yearly income during the funding period. Family and child allowance as well as the income of your spouse do not count towards your scholarship amount.

According to § 2 para. 1 and 2 of the Einkommensteuergesetz (income tax legislation), your yearly income is made up of the sum of your positive earnings in the relevant calender year, minus income tax, church tax, Solidaritätszuschlag (solidarity surcharge) and any tax-deductible expenses. Unemployment benefit and assistance are classified as income under the SGB III (German social code).

How are scholarships awarded?

All applications are reviewed by a committee of experts, who rank applicants by academic qualification.

The final decision is made by the awards commission based on the expert committee’s ranking.

How to create a work plan (proposal)?

Your work plan (proposal) should be structured as follows:

  • start your proposal with a concise summary of no more than 15 lines, clearly stating the overall objectives of your research project (abstract). This summary serves to provide the relevant interdisciplinary university bodies with an overview of the key objectives of your research project.
  • The summary (abstract) should be followed by a description of your project, including research questions, the current state of research, the theoretical framework, your methodology and plan for the practical implementation as well as its scientific and social relevance. It should also include a comprehensive list of works cited (ca. 10-15 pages). A proposal of 3-5 pages will suffice, if you’re applying for a short-term bridge scholarship.
  • Provisional work plan and schedule for the next 36 months with a detailed description of any preparatory work you have already undertaken.