Budget planning and resource allocation

This service area is responsible for planning the university’s budget and for the university’s contribution to the budget plan of the state of Baden-Württemberg (Chapter 1414).

Besides original budget funds, special state funds play an increasingly crucial role (special university programmes).

In accordance with the Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education), the university is not only obliged to report to the state on all its financial dealings, but also to its supervisory body, the University Council. This is why the university creates a budget plan, four quarterly reports as well as an annual report every year. These reports serve to keep the University Council informed of the university’s financial situation.



  • General issues, budget planning
  • Budget preparation and global allocation
  • “Hochschule 2012” funding programme
  • Hochschulpakt 2020 (extra resources for teaching)
  • Management of the university cashier’s office, financial and assets accounting
  • Budget management of individual staff titles
  • Reimbursements of staff costs and payment of (civil servant) pension allowances
  • Grants the “Anordnungsbefugnis” (authority to issue orders) and the “Befugnis sachliche und rechnerische Richtigkeit” (authority to declare something factually and mathematically correct).

Christa Karrer

Phone: +49 7531 88 3609

Room: V 711



  • Personnel issues
  • General issues, budget planning
  • Budget preparation and global allocation
  • Management of the university cashier’s office, financial and assets accounting
  • Budget management of individual staff titles
  • Reimbursements of staff costs and payment of (civil servant) pension allowances
  • Grants the “Anordnungsbefugnis” (authority to issue orders) and the “Befugnis sachliche und rechnerische Richtigkeit” (authority to declare something factually and mathematically correct)

Sabina Josić

Phone: +49 7531 88 5394
Room: V 704


  • Research and teaching (Ch. 1414 TG 71) incl. basic funding
  • Financial reporting
  • Management of individual responsibilities within TG 71
  • Allocation of disposable resources (“savings account”)
  • Budget management cover pool 

Petra Walk

Phone: +49 7531 88 5395
Room: V 736


  • Quality assurance resources
  • Occupational safety (TG 83)
  • QIS administration incl. setup and maintenance of user authorizations
  • Fixed deposits

Philip Rapparlie

Phone: +49 7531 88 5076
Room: V 736


  • Academic and international Affairs (TG 89, 93)
  • KIM including the library (TG 67, TG 72)
  • Library service centre (BSZ)

Sabrina Tille
Phone: +49 7531 88 3858
Room: V 704



  • Tax services
  • SI-BW (fund for structural development and innovation in research), large equipment
  • Resources for energy and building management
  • Student affairs (TG 88)
  • Erasmus programme
  • Financial Affairs IT / home page / annual reporting activities
  • Budget management Schlieben-Lange-Programme
  • State budget accounting
  • Excursions

Sabina Josić

Phone: +49 7531 88 5394
Room: V 704


  • Project coordination: Project Doppik
  • Process modeling and optimization

Nicola Baur
Phone: +49 7531 88 3011
Room: V 509

Financial Accounting Management:

Birgit Wißkirchen

Phone: +49 7531 88 2290
Room: V 744