Staff ID card

Front and back of the new staff ID card

Since September 2023, the new staff ID cards have been issued to new staff. Now all staff members have the option of exchanging their old cards for the new ones. This website describes how you can get and use the new card and much more.

The image above shows an example of the new staff ID cards.

New features

The previous staff ID card was a simple plastic card without an electronic chip. Services requiring authentication, such as paying in the canteen or using printers and copy machines were not included, and you needed separate cards for these purposes. The new staff ID cards, in contrast, have a chip and can be used to pay in the canteen and the Seezeit cafés.

You can also register your card with the Canon Printing Service and then use it for the Canon printers.

In addition, you can choose to use it instead of a PIN to open and close the Library lockers on levels B4 and N6.

The new staff ID card is also your Library card, with your staff ID number being your Library user number.

In the future, the bwCard features of your new card will make it possible for you to use services of other universities in Baden-Württemberg, too.

Who can get a new staff ID card?

All staff members of the University of Konstanz can get a new staff ID card. This does not apply to student assistants, persons working at associated institutes as well as contract lecturers. No staff IDs are issued, for example, to staff of the Max Planck Institute, the Thurgau University of Teacher Education or the Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum (BSZ) Baden-Württemberg. These people can, however, get a Library card issued for free and thus use the same Library services as staff members.

Currently a new ID for external users is being designed which includes Library services as well as additional features.

How do I get the new staff ID card?

New staff members get their staff ID card at the KIM Library and IT Support service desk in the Library when they collect their initial password for the activation of their account. Please bring along a personal ID to identify yourself.

Staff members who have the previous staff ID card can exchange it for a new one. Please submit the corresponding request beforehand to avoid waiting times when exchanging the cards.

A defective or lost card can be replaced at the KIM Library and IT Support service desk in the Library. Please bring along a personal ID to identify yourself.

Payments, topping up credit and transferring credit from the previous canteen card

You can use your staff ID card for cashless payments at all facilities managed by Seezeit student services Bodensee (canteen, Al stuDente, cafeteria, CampusCafé, BibCafé, Gießberghütte, self-service vending machines). You can top up credit at one of the corresponding terminals (level K5). Even easier: register for EasyLoad in the Seezeit Service Centre (level A5) or at one of the canteen checkouts (level K6). Please bring your staff ID card and bank card (EC/Giro system).

During the registration process, you give Seezeit a SEPA direct debit mandate. Every time your balance falls below the minimum value you have set, your staff ID card will be automatically topped up at the checkout by the amount you have determined. This amount will subsequently be taken from your bank account. More information online at EasyLoad.

If you still have credit on your previous canteen card, you can have this transferred to your new staff ID card, including the deposit paid, either at the Seezeit Service Centre (level A5) or at one of the canteen checkouts (level K6). If you would like to continue using EasyLoad, please bring your bank card with you.

Loss, damage, malfunctions, changes of title/name

In the event of loss, damage, change of title/name or malfunction, please contact KIM Library and IT Support immediately (phone: +49 7531 88-2871 or Please provide your staff ID number and the reason why you need a new staff ID card.

When your new card is ready, you can collect it from the KIM Library and IT Support service desk.

In case you lose your card, we recommend you have it blocked immediately. This can be done either by telephone or email as described above. Better still, go directly to KIM to block the ID card including the integrated canteen payment function, and request a new card.

Your Seezeit credit can then be transferred to your new card.

For the transfer, Seezeit needs your new staff ID card and the number of the Seezeit wallet, which is stored in the card's chip. For this purpose, you and Seezeit will receive an email with the previous and the new Seezeit wallet numbers.

If you lose your current Seezeit card or it is defective, you can also contact KIM Library and IT Support so they can issue a new staff ID card for you. Any credit from the lost or defective Seezeit card can only be transferred if you can provide its number.

Please bring a personal ID to identify yourself.

Terms of use

(1) Purpose

When taking up employment with the University of Konstanz, staff members receive a staff ID card. It serves as your Library card and may be used for the Canon printing service and to pay at facilities managed by Seezeit student services. The staff ID card cannot be used as an official means of identification like a national ID card or passport.

(2) Issue of cards

Staff ID cards are issued at the KIM Library and IT Support service desk in the Library and are usually ready for collection on the new staff member's first working day. Please bring a personal ID to identify yourself (national ID card/passport).

Staff with previous cards can contact KIM to exchange their cards.

(3) Third-party use

The staff ID card is non-transferable. Staff members are not allowed to pass on or let others use their ID card. Any third-party use will be regarded as a violation of the terms of use and may result in legal action. You are expected to take precautions in order to prevent others from using your staff ID card. The University of Konstanz is not liable for damages caused by internal or external use of your staff ID card unless the damage was caused either deliberately or as a result of gross negligence on the part of university staff or representatives.

(4) Liability resulting from non-compliance with the terms of use

Staff members are liable to the University of Konstanz for all damages incurred by the University of Konstanz as a result of intentional or negligent non-compliance with these terms of use or fraudulent use of the staff ID card.

(5) Obligation to return the card

Staff members have no ownership rights of the card. The right to hold the staff ID card expires upon termination of the corresponding employment contract without requiring a specific declaration from the University of Konstanz. Staff members must return their staff ID cards without being reminded to do so. Further use is strictly prohibited. This applies to any form of termination of the employment contract.

Staff members are responsible for ensuring that they get a refund of any remaining credit as described in paragraph 7.

(6) What to do in case of loss or damage

If you lose your card, you have to contact both KiM Library and IT Support and the Library Information Centre immediately (phone: +49 7531 88-2871, email: The same applies in the case of damage to the staff ID card which could affect payment features or its usability in the Library. In these cases, you can request a replacement (Ersatzausstellung) at KIM Library and IT Support. All the functions of your old card will be blocked. Staff members have to treat their ID card with care and protect it against harmful influences such as bending, scratching and direct sunlight.

(7) Transferring or refunding credit

Every staff ID card comes with a unique wallet number. You will need this number in order to transfer credit from a lost or damaged ID card to the new one. In case of a replacement as per paragraph 6, you will be informed of the Seezeit wallet number which you need for the transfer. Seezeit student services at the Seezeit Service Centre on level A5 (near the Campus Café) are responsible for credit transfers as well as for refunding any remaining credit when your employment contract ends. Seezeit credit will be refunded at the checkouts in the canteen (level K6).

Technical specifications


The staff ID card is also your Library card. In addition, you can use it

  • as a wallet for cashless payments (in the canteen and any other facilities managed by Seezeit student services)
  • as a copy card (for Canon printing service)
  • for using the lockers on levels B4 and N6
  • as bwCard


  • Logos: University of Konstanz, Seezeit student services, Internationale Bodensee-Hochschule (IBH) and bwCard
  • position, title/academic degree, family name, given name(s), personal ID (bar code) and reference to the website with the terms of use
  • Integrated chip for contactless payments

Stored data

Printed (in German and English): position, title/academic degree, family name, given name(s), personal ID (bar code) and reference to the website with the terms of use

Digital information stored on the chip: chip serial number, Seezeit wallet, authorization for using lockers, bwCard number and home domain ""

Staff member rights

Staff members are users of the staff ID cards. Your corresponding rights are described in paragraph VII of the University of Konstanz's data protection information.

How to request the new staff ID card

Please log in using the "My University" icon at the top right to access the form.