
Andrea Horn, demographics consultant

You can find a pdf file of her talk by clicking on “Learn more”.

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Girls’ Day

Girls’ Day enables girls attending grades 5-10 to try out various professional fields.

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This event is part of the “International Women's Day”series of events.

Lecture with Professor Senta Trömel-Plötz (founder of feminist linguistics at the University of Konstanz, now a freelance author working in the US). 

Advance directive, health care proxy

Often, it’s too late to make these arrangements when you need them.

Have you signed an advance directive or assigned a health care proxy? Have your parents?

Attend our event if you do not want others to make important medical and personal decisions for you in case you are unable, and to learn more about what you need to be aware of.

A general physician and a lawyer will discuss the above-mentioned documents. You will also receive the necessary forms and templates.

International Women's Day 2016

On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, we issued an invitation to join us for a lecture on pursuing a healthy diet while working. Oectrophologist Sieglinde Schopf talked about women’s health as well as the attentive handling of one’s own needs. One focus was on the relationship between stress, self-perception and self-care and how these affect, and are affected by, nutrition. The lecture was followed by a reception.

15 March from 10:00-12:00, Room: Senate Room, V 1001

Women's assembly

On 14 October 2015, the annual women’s assembly took place. The Equal Opportunity Representative reported on the previous year's activities as well as a provision in the Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education) that would allow the university to merge the office of the Equal Opportunity Representative for academic staff with that of the Equal Opportunity Representative for non-academic staff.