International mobility with family

We will support you!

Are you coming to the University of Konstanz from abroad with your family? Or are you working at the university and planning a temporary stay abroad to which you want or need to take your family? We will support you with your arrival and planning.

Incoming with family

We have compiled answers to various questions (FAQ) to make it easier for you as a family to arrive in Konstanz:

Outgoing with family

Let the Outgoing Centre help you plan your stay abroad:

If you are planning to take your family with you, we can support you with the following topics:

  • Networking with people who are either from the country you want to travel to or who have already traveled there with family themselves
  • Subsidy for travel costs incurred due to the need to take children with you (link to application)
  • Funding for hours of assistance to prepare the stay abroad for the children (link to the call for applications: XXXX)