Konstanzia Transition

Bridge funding for difficult career stages

Konstanzia Transition provides bridge funding for female researchers (including those whose identity varies from traditional gender norms, e.g. transgender, transsex, agender).

The funding is reserved for young female researchers who have a special funding requirement for a limited time and who are in a short-term emergency. It should not replace permanent funding. The applicants generally worked at the University of Konstanz for at least two years. Participants and alumnae from modules of the Konstanzia Programme are given special consideration. Note: The funds in this program are almost exhausted, so that only a small amount of funding can be awarded.

The special need is justified by ...
... an impending termination of qualification, e.g. application phase for professorships, problems with supervisors, delay in qualification due to disabilities, chronic illness, psychological impairment or refugee background etc.,
... a social emergency, e.g. expiry of visa, precarious family situation.

Before submitting an application, a confidential interview must be held with the responsible officer, in which the needs are worked out and the conditions for an application are discussed.
During the funding phase, at least two appointments will take place with the responsible officer about the status of follow-up financing so that measures can be taken if necessary.