Data protection information as per Article 13 GDPR

Data collection in the context of advising members of the University of Konstanz on applying for third-party funding in the area of international cooperation and exchange programmes.

1. Responsible authority

University of Konstanz
represented by its rector Professor Katharina Holzinger
Universitaetsstrasse 10
78464 Konstanz
Phone: +49 7531 88-0

Content responsibility:
Helena Dietz (by proxy), Interim Head of Communications and Marketing, Press Spokesperson
E-mail, Tel.: +49 7531 88-0

2. Data protection officer (Article 37 EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR))


3. General information

Please also note the information on data protection at the bottom of this web page.

4. The purpose of data processing and type of data

  • Advice regarding planned funding applications
  • Name, e-mail address, organisational unit, details of planned third-party funding applications in the field of international cooperation.

5. Legal basis

For providing information and advice

Article 6 para. 1 lit. e in connection with Article 6 para. 3 of the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (DS- GDPR) in connection with § 2 of the Landeshochschulgesetz Baden-Württemberg LHG (state law on higher education) and § 4 Landesdatenschutzgesetz (data protection act) Baden-Württemberg.

6. Recipients

  • Staff in the International Office and, if necessary, other service offices within the University of Konstanz. Exactly which offices should be informed in order to be able to guarantee optimal counselling will be discussed in detail during the personal counselling session.

7. Storage duration

  • The data will be stored for the duration of the staff member’s employment contract with the University of Konstanz. The data will be deleted at the end of the year in which the staff member’s contract ends.

8. Your rights

  • In accordance with Article 15 GDPR, you have the right to request information from the University of Konstanz about any data it stores that is related to your person and/or to have incorrect data corrected as per Article 16 GDPR.
  • You also have the right to demand that your data be deleted (Article 17 GDPR) or that the processing and use thereof be restricted (Article 18 GDPR), as well as to object to the processing and use of your data (Article 21 GDPR).
  • To do so, please send an email to or contact us in writing: Dr Kristin Dallinger, International Office, Universitätsstraße 10, 78457 Konstanz, GERMANY.
  • You also have the right to file a complaint with the regulating authority if you believe that the processing and use of your personal data is in violation of the law (Article 77 GDPR). The responsible contact person at the regulating authority is the “Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg” (state commissioner for data protection and the freedom of information in Baden-Württemberg) (