Data protection regulations

The data protection team is responsible for providing legal advice on data protection, maintaining the university's data processing register, assessing agreements on contract processing, and providing data protection guidance for research projects and administration tasks. Please contact us if you would like help compiling your own data protection information, checking an agreement on contract processing or addressing the issues raised by persons affected by data processing.

Official Agreement on using the university email account

Link to the Official Agreement on using the university email account

Please log in via "My University" to access the Official Agreement.

Information obligations in externally-funded projects

External funding for research projects

For the purpose of applying for (external) funding as well as for auditing purposes in the context of using (external) funding, universities may process personal data to the required extent, in particular also staff file data, and transfer these data to the external funding body as per § 12 para. 10 sentence 2 Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education).

This right is also associated with the obligation to inform the staff members concerned about the transfer, in particular about the data transferred, the external party and the purpose of the transfer. We have a formfor project managers to fill out in order to fulfil this information obligation.

External funding for administration projects

For the purpose of applying for (external) funding as well as for auditing purposes in the context of using (external) funding, universities may process personal data to the required extent, in particular also staff file data, and transfer these data to the external funding body as per § 12 para. 10 sentence 2 Landeshochschulgesetz LHG (state law on higher education).

This right is also associated with the obligation to inform the staff members concerned about the transfer, in particular about the data transferred, the external party and the purpose of the transfer. We have a form for project managers to fill out in order to fulfil this information obligation.

Guidance on copies of documents from Human Resources