The University of Konstanz carries out a university-wide monitoring process. Results from student surveys as well as performance indicators from the areas of studies and teaching, research, equal opportunity and internationalisation are summarised in monitoring reports and published for the relevant departments.
The monitoring reports guarantee standards and quality criteria are upheld. The research chapter is oriented around the criteria of the research rating of the Wissenschaftsrats (Science Council). The studies and teaching chapter establishes the criteria for program accreditation as well as the university’s own specific criteria.
In order to continuously initiate improvement measures, the monitoring reports are discussed at various times in different cycles. The monitoring process of studies and learning also leads to internal accreditation.
Rectorate Cycle
Every four years each department receives a monitoring report with information on all performance areas (including research). Departments discuss the results and write a self-assessment. This evaluation serves as the basis for discussions with the Ausschuss für Lehre und Weiterbildung (ALW) (Committee on Curricular Affairs and Life-Long Learning). The ALW can then make recommendations to the rectorate regarding the internal accreditation of the study programmes. This can be carried out with or without conditions or recommendations.
Peer Review Cycle
A peer-based evaluation is carried out every eight years where external subject matter experts assess the study programmes and departments. In this way, an “inside perspective” via the regular monitoring processes can be purposefully complemented by an “outside perspective”. The peer review cycle aims to provide an elemental evaluation of the department with all of its responsibilities (research, teaching, promotion of young researchers, internationalisation, and the guarantee of equal opportunity), and focuses on the development of its profile and strategy. The conceptual design of the study programmes is given particular attention.
In the course of a two-day visit, the evaluation group (three professors, one labour market representative, one student) meets with various status groups. Thereafter, this group summarises the results in a report.
After the successful completion of the rectorate cycle and peer review cycle, the rectorate can provide the internal accreditation of the study programmes.