Research as part of the Excellence Strategy

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On 06-08 April, the In_equality Conference 2022 will take place at the Bodenseeforum Konstanz and online. Registration for online participation is still possible until Saturday, 02 April.

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Impfpflicht: Was Widerstand und Akzeptanz bewegt

Studie der Universität Konstanz und des Santa Fe Institute: Die Einführung einer Impfpflicht könnte den Widerstand verhärten, aber dennoch notwendig sein. Vertrauen in den Staat und in den Impfstoff ist zentral für die Impfbereitschaft und die Akzeptanz einer Impfpflicht.

Women in leadership at crisis-ridden companies

Research into why female executives in many companies are only given a chance in a crisis situation published in the Journal of Management. Collaboration between organizational researcher Professor Florian Kunze from the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" at the University of Konstanz, Dr Max Reinwald and Dr Johannes Zaia.

Marius R. Busemeyer berät den Landtag

Der Konstanzer Politikwissenschaftler und Ungleichheitsforscher wurde in die neu eingesetzte Enquetekommission „Krisenfeste Gesellschaft“ des baden-württembergischen Landtags berufen.

No time to nap in nature

Sleep study on a troop of wild baboons reveals that sacrificing sleep to meet pressing demands is common—and might even be part of our evolutionary history (Adapted version of the original press release from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior).

AI experts and ecologists join forces to revolutionize wildlife research

A team of experts in artificial intelligence (AI) and animal ecology have put forth a new, cross-disciplinary approach intended to enhance research on wildlife species and make more effective use of the vast amounts of data now being collected thanks to new technology. Their article appeared in Nature Communications. (Adapted version of the original press release from the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne; EPFL)

Vaccine hesitancy and vaccine refusal

Vaccine hesitancy has been around since long before the coronavirus pandemic. A research team from Konstanz and Berlin is now examining how vaccination rates and vaccine hesitancy developed in the time before the pandemic.

Saving animal lives using Big Data

The Movebank ecosystem of tools offers a one-stop-shop solution to storing, sharing, and making sense of the deluge of data generated by the animal tracking revolution. The Big Data platform helps scientists study animal behavior and ecology, and it can save animal lives - by enabling large-scale conservation projects, but also in individual cases.