[Translate to Englisch:] Eine Career Service Beraterin hält einen Vortrag

Events on internships and career entry

tailored to your department or study programme

Events on internships and careers customised for your department

The Career Service is happy to support you in improving the employability of your students.

Visit from the Career Service in your department

Would you like to sensitise your students to career orientation? We would be happy to give a short presentation about the Career Service in your department, e.g. at an introductory event for first-semester students, at an information event on compulsory internships, at an event with alumni or as part of a seminar.

Insights into practice

Would you like to give your students a personal insight into the career opportunities available to them after graduation? We invite guests with professional experience to give individual insights into their career and their experiences in a specific professional field or area of work. In an open dialogue, they talk about requirements and tasks and highlight challenges and opportunities in their specific fields of work. Our guests are often alumni of the University of Konstanz and offer students the opportunity to gain different insights into practice and ask questions.

Preparation for internships and reflection

Internships allow students to gain valuable practical experience during their studies, develop new career prospects and apply the theory they have learnt in practice. However, students often find it difficult to orientate themselves when looking for suitable (compulsory) internships and to navigate the application process.
We are happy to support you in your courses with input on exploring individual skills and goals and the various search and application strategies for an internship. We will be happy to work with you and your students to find out how to make the planned internship a success and how to reflect on it so that you can successfully plan your further studies and next career steps. 

Career prospects for...

Students often lack a general overview of possible occupational fields for their subject area, salary prospects, areas of expertise and application strategies. We would be happy to work with you to develop suitable input on this topic, if possible also covering several departments together ("Labour market & skills: Career prospects for anthropologists", "Career prospects for humanities scholars and social scientists" etc).