Services for departments and faculties

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The Career Service is a central service organisation at the University of Konstanz. We support students, doctoral candidates and graduates of the University of Konstanz with all questions and concerns regarding career orientation, applications, internships and career entry. We are happy to work with you as a department or faculty to prepare your students for the labour market. Please feel free to contact us!

Our range of services

Events for all students at the University of Konstanz

Whether it's information on internships, application basics, interview practice or insights into professions - our open events are aimed at students, doctoral candidates and graduates from all departments at the University of Konstanz. Take a look at our programme.

Counselling and advice

Application documents check, LinkedIn profile check, weekly drop-in consultation, advice by e-mail or detailed individual counselling session: We are available to answer all your students' questions about career guidance, internships, career entry and applications. We provide counselling in German or English and, of course, confidentially.

E-learning tools "Internship" and "Internship abroad" on ILIAS

Would you like to better support your students in preparing for and following up on their internship? The Career Service's e-learning module "Internship" supports students with texts, checklists, videos and a learning diary on a wide range of aspects relating to internships. The tool has a modular structure: students can decide for themselves whether they still need help with orientation, tips for finding an internship and applying, or whether they want to use the reflection module during and after the internship. The e-learning tool is integrated into ILIAS and is available in German and English.

The e-learning tool "Internship abroad" supplements the self-study programme with information on special requirements, funding options and services relating to internships abroad.

Tips and resources

On our website, we have compiled many tips and resources to support students in independently engaging with topics such as internships and career entry, including selected personality tests and job portals, organisational information on internships, tips and information on application procedures, and much more.

Help with the internship and job search: job portal on ZEuS

The Career Service's central internship and job portal is integrated on ZEuS, where students can search for suitable internships and jobs as well as traineeships, working student positions and student assistant jobs. The service is accessible to students of all degree programmes and offers filter and search options by faculties.

As a member of a department, you can use the ZEuS platform in various ways: 

  • Do you receive emails from companies asking you to post a job advert? Simply forward the mails to us ( We will reply to the companies and invite them to post their internships and jobs directly on ZEuS in future.
  • Are your students looking for internships or jobs? Please refer them directly to ZEuS and also to our internship and job portal overview on our homepage. Here you will find a broad overview of subject-specific jobs and internship portals sorted by subject area and region.
  • Are you looking for student assistants in your department and want to advertise your vacancies? Simply send us a PDF by e-mail and we will be happy to post it for you

Other services on offer

Job shadowing, the annual career day kontaktpunkt, the interview series #dreamjob, supplementary certificate programmes Profil+ and Career Passport, certified additional qualifications and more expand our general offer, which is open to all students, doctoral candidates and graduates of the University of Konstanz.

Information material

We are happy to provide you with information material on our programmes for your students, both in print and digitally. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Events tailored to your department or study programme

Would you like to offer your students targeted preparation for internships and career entry and need support? We would be happy to work with you to develop customised formats for your department or faculty.

Advisory Services Network

The Advisory Services Network is an association of various advisory services at the University of Konstanz. The aim of the network is to promote the exchange of information between the university's advisory and counselling centres as well as the further development and reflection of their own counselling activities. You are welcome to take part in our exchange and further training opportunities.


To keep up to date with our offers, you are welcome to subscribe to our newsletter for students or staff working in counselling.