Preparatory courses and orientation programmes winter semester 2024/25

A successful start to your studies!

Preparatory courses and orientation programmes

To prepare you for subject-specific requirements and studying at a university, our departments and central institutions (e.g. International Office, Central Student Advisory Service) offer preparatory courses and orientation programmes. On this page you will find an overview of our courses and programmes.

In our orienmtation weeks from 14.-18. Oktober 2024 , numerous introductory events for first-semester students will take place.

Online preparatory courses for different subjects

VE&MINT online preparatory course in mathematics to brush up your school knowledge of mathematics, especially for students in Mathematics, Computer Science, the Natural Sciences and Technology (MINT subjects)

The online preparatory course in mathematics (taught in German) helps prospective students to check their knowledge of mathematics and prepare for their studies. It also recommends suitable courses at the university of your choice. The course includes: extensive study material, diagnostic tests (self-assessment) as well as numerous videos and interactive exercises.

You can find more information (in German) as well as the link to start the VE&MINT online preparatory course in mathematicson this website.

OMB+ online preparatory course in mathematics for physics students (taught in German)

Physics is closely related to mathematics, a field that provides one of the most important tools for physicists. Without sufficient knowledge of methodologies and mathematical rules, you will have great difficulty understanding the physics lectures. We run preparatory courses in mathematics so you can re-activate your school knowledge, reach the same level as your fellow students and close potential gaps before the lectures start. In the comfort of your own four walls you can brush up your knowledge and study individual topics more closely in the joint online preparatory course organised by the physics departments of German universities. You have a large number of learning material and constantly available online tutors at your disposal. We definitely recommend this course. You'll see, it's worth it!