See what we have to offer. 108 study programmes to choose from!

Discover your personal favourite. Which topics are especially appealing to you? Which programmes include an integrated internship and or a semester abroad? Which subjects include a minor? These are just three of the many questions that will help you find the programme that really fits you.

Find out what suits you.

In our study programme overview  you can find all the individual subjects in different categories. Click on a study programme to learn about the teaching contents, the requirements you should fulfil and which career prospects you will have after graduation. 

Find the right study programme for you!

How can you find out whether a study programme offers exactly what you are looking for? In our PocketGuide (in German) we have collected useful ideas for investigating your potential study programme.

PocketGuide (in German)

Three questions - students share their experiences

There are many reasons for studying at the University of Konstanz. Which is yours? Get to know our students and be inspired. In our “Three questions” interviews, students at the University of Konstanz share their personal experiences with choosing a study programme, what they have learned during their studies, and where their career paths might take them after they graduate.

Three questions

#dreamjob - starting your career

You’ve got your degree. How do you start a career? And what’s everyday work like? In our #dreamjob interview series, University of Konstanz alumni talk about their personal experiences with starting a career.


Real lectures

Do you want to know what a real lecture is like? Experience your first lecture online – just take your pick from one of the lecture recordings from all our departments.

Lecture recording


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