
Welcome to Konstanz – Hello, world!

Interested in studying in Konstanz? Thinking of studying abroad? In a fantastic location between Lake Constance and the Alps, the University of Konstanz’s strong research profile makes it the ideal spot to make your studies truly international: Benefit from our excellence in international research and teaching, choose one of our many international master's programmes and take advantage of our personalized consultation services to start your international journey with us. On top of all this, you can take part in any number of outdoor sports and leisure activities in our active region.

Welcome to Konstanz – Hello, world! These pages show you all the most important information about studying internationally. The International Office is glad to help you with any questions you may have.

Love at first sight

“I remember when I came to Konstanz as an Erasmus student and fell in love at first sight”.

Hear from students


“I feel so welcome here and really well-supported, especially because of the many services for international students.”

Hear from students

Experience global diversity

“Spending a semester abroad in Israel helped me get to know a country that is very exciting – culturally, socially and politically”.

Hear from students

All aboard! In Konstanz. Next stop: Utrecht

“It’s great that the University of Konstanz has so many partner universities around the world. I’ll be spending a year in Utrecht, myself!”

Hear from students

Our international campus– between Lake Constance and the Alps

An international and interdisciplinary university: In Konstanz, 11,300 students from more than 90 countries study together on our friendly, welcoming campus. 44% percent of our students have studied abroad, and we have more than 350 partner universities around the world. 25% of our doctoral researchers are citizens of another country. Our international students and doctoral researchers profit immensely from our close ties between research and teaching – with lively exchange between the disciplines.
Welcome to the University of Konstanz’s international campus – between Lake Constance and the Alps.

Information for studying in Konstanz

International master's programmes

International students share their experiences

There are many good reasons to study in Konstanz. Hear what our internationals have to say about their study programmes in our “three questions” inverviews.

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