Golden letterbox slot in blue door
Image: Unsplash, Flavio Amiel

Keeping you up to speed

Never miss anything again: our newsletters provides regular information about the latest news and interesting events on campus. To give you a guide, we offer newsletters with different focal points.

We have compiled the following selection for you:

Active Campus Konstanz
The Active Campus Konstanz newsletter provides information on all aspects of student health promotion in university sports: current topics, projects and events.

ASD University Didactics / / Instructional Design Newsletter

University Didactics / Instructional Design provided by our Academic Staff Development team supports all teaching staff in teaching matters. The newsletter contains important information and announcements about our workshops, practical consultations and other events in higher education didactics. Especially recommended for participants of the HDZ certificate.


Keeping you up to date on teacher education: as the central university institution addressing teacher education (secondary school - Gymnasium), the Binational School of Education (BiSE) provides you information about current developments, events and news in the areas of study and teaching. The newsletter is also of interest to our partner schools and outlines possible collaboration opportunities with the teaching lab.

BNEws – Sustainability in teaching

The BNEws newsletter offers event tips, networking opportunities, best practice examples, calls for proposals and funding opportunities and everything you need to know about sustainability in teaching and education for sustainable development at the University of Konstanz (and beyond).

Early career researchers with child ("wissenskinder")

Through its “Wissenskinder” mailing list, the Office for Equal Opportunity, Family Affairs and Diversity provides information about calls for proposals from the Equal Opportunity Council, events, available child care placements or participation opportunities in studies (approx. 2-3 times per month).


This newsletter addresses both students and staff and provides insights into the university from the “inside”. External parties cannot subscribe to this newsletter. You are welcome to send us contributions for EINBLICK to the e-mail address


This weekly newsletter will keep you up-to-date on University of Konstanz events taking place online, in-person or in a hybrid format. If you would like to have your event included in the newsletter, please send an email to

Female early career researchers ("nachwuchs")

Through its “Nachwuchs” mailing list, the Office for Equal Opportunity, Family Affairs and Diversity provides information about calls for proposals, events or participation opportunities in studies (approx. 1-2 times per month).

Female students ("frauenpower")

The “frauenpower” mailing list is aimed at female students and provides target-oriented information about events. It is published by the Office for Equal Opportunity, Family Affairs and Diversity (approx. 2-3 times per semester).
Registration aktuell aktuell includes news updates and information about upcoming events in the field of research data management. It also provides a preview of new content on the platform


The newsletter "Forschungsnachrichten" is published regularly by our Research Support, which keeps you informed about current calls for proposals from national and international funding bodies. You will also find news on research funding, new programme guidelines and formalities as well as upcoming events. In addition to that, the newsletter contains information on cross-faculty calls for proposals, events and new externally-funded projects at the University of Konstanz.

"Growing Together" - The Human Ressources Development and Health University Newsletter. 

In this monthly newsletter we inform you about training, seminar and event offers of the Human Resources Development and the Healthy University. Stay up to date and receive additional small impulses for your professional and personal growth in each issue!

Human Resources and Finance Department

This newsletter is aimed at all colleagues who no longer want to miss any news from the Human Resources and Finance department. On this channel you will be informed about changes in personnel and budget law, for example. In addition, you will receive tips and instructions on legally relevant processes in everyday to tricky questions.


The monthly Kilometer1 newsletter (in German only) from the start-up initiative of the Konstanz universities shares news and activities in the local entrepreneur scene. It also includes an overview of events and services offered by Kilometer1.


The newsletter from the Institute for Advanced Study Konstanz, KuKo in short, is called KonNex. Who are the Fellows carrying out research this semester at the KuKo? Which books were recently published by Fellows and alumni? Which events will be taking place? In addition to answering these questions, the newsletter presents one researcher or artist in residence in more detail.

PhD News

This newsletter of the Doctoral Researcher Council is for doctoral researchers of all departments at the University of Konstanz. It regularly lets you know about upcoming events as well as offers, calls, and general announcements for doctoral researchers in Konstanz.

Postdoc Newsletter (ASD)

This newsletter provides information about current events on the topics of career planning, leadership skills, self-presentation and teaching skills and is primarily aimed at postdoctoral researchers, junior research group leaders and junior professors.

Transfer  projects in teaching (in German only)

University seminars are increasingly cooperating with external partners.
Everything you need to know about transfer projects in teaching:
Which projects are being carried out? Which events can I participate in? Are there new cooperation partners? What are the current topics being addressed? Which lecturers are currently especially active?
This newsletter will keep you up to date on these matters and others..


Stay on top of exciting developments at the Zukunftskolleg in regard to the promotion of early career researchers by registering for this newsletter! It informs you about our Fellows, funding programmes, events, publications and current calls for proposals.

Are you interested in using the newsletter system? After logging in at the top right of the website, you can access the manual for the newsletter system via a link on the right side of the page (German only). This manual explains how you can register and then send newsletters quickly and easily.