[Translate to Englisch:] Climate Fresk
[Translate to Englisch:] Climate Fresk

Climate Fresk Workshop

The Climate Fresk was developed by Cédric Ringenbach and the Climate Fresk organisation and is now used worldwide as an interactive learning format for climate education, which introduces participants to the scientific principles of climate change in a playful and participatory way and gives them the impetus to become active themselves.

At the University of Konstanz, a group of committed people from various status groups have been trained as Climate Fresk moderators. Open Climate Fresks are regularly organised for interested people from all status groups.

The Climate Fresk is also part of the university's internal training programme.

The Climate Fresk can also be used for other groups on request:

  • Do you offer a climate-related course and want to integrate the climate puzzle into your course?
  • Do you want to organise a team-building event for your working group or team and develop concrete options for action on climate protection at the university and/or in your area of work?
  • Do you want to use the climate puzzle together as a student council, university group or working group?
  • etc.

Would you like to find out more about the Climate Fresk? Are you interested in taking part in a Climate Fresk workshop or would you like to organise a workshop for an entire group? Or can you imagine becoming a facilitator yourself? Then please do not hesitate to contact us.