Innovation, starting a business and entrepreneurship

We foster the development of the creative, problem-solving skills needed for successful entrepreneurship while equipping the next generation of entrepreneurs with the knowledge required to start their own businesses. The process starts with the basics and takes founders through the process of making their business idea concrete and entering the respective market.

Entrepreneurship is one aspect of the certificate programme Leadership, Management, Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer offered by the Academic Staff Development team (ASD) at the University of Konstanz. The module "Science communication and knowledge transfer" provides input on planning potential career paths after completing a doctorate – for starting one's own business, acting as an innovator in an existing company or working as a highly-qualified researcher. Participation in this certificate programme is available exclusively to doctoral researchers and to researchers at the University of Konstanz who have already earned their doctorate (post-doctoral researchers, researchers working toward a habilitation, junior professors, etc.).

On the following pages you will find further information on this topic as well as links to current continuing education programmes for researchers: