Collaboration opportunities for schools

Are you interested in connecting with the university, using our training and continuing education programmes, and setting up joint (school) projects? These university units, in particular, support transfer between schools and the university: 

The Binational School of Education's network of partner schools

As the university's central unit for coordinating and continually developing teacher education programmes, the Binational School of Education (BiSE) collaborates with 23 secondary schools in the local Lake Constance regions of Germany and Switzerland. The primary goal of this work is to support the transfer of theory and practice between the university and schools during the first and third phases of teacher education programmes. The transfer activities involve the areas of teaching, continuing education and research, and they provide partner schools the opportunity, for example, to take part in public events and training, to experience the university as a place of learning outside of schools, and to participate in research projects.
Additional opportunities for collaboration are listed on the BiSE website for partner schools.

Academy of Advanced Studies

The face of continuing education at the University of Konstanz is our Academy of Advanced Studies (AWW). Here is where our transfer activities also involve continuing academic education based on research. Our programmes teach state-of-the-art scientific methods that are both grounded in research and oriented towards practical application, and they are offered in a variety of formats: in person, blended learning or online. The programmes can be completed alongside daily work, and they are tailored to the corresponding professional needs. The Binational School of Education and the Academy of Advanced Studies at the University of Konstanz work together to provide continuing academic education for teachers.

Chemistry lab for school students (Schülerlabor)

The university's "Schülerlabor" connects school students with the Department of Chemistry. It provides varied perspectives on the field of chemistry with the aim of promoting transfer into society, even before school students are old enough to study the subject. In the lab, school classes can conduct experiments on topics in the school curriculum. As part of the university's vacation programme, school students can get acquainted with chemical experimentation, even before they start chemistry classes. Research transfer takes place through the expert supervision and technical support provided for school students' own research projects.
If you are interested in visiting the university with school students, or if you would like to learn more about the "Schülerlabor", please send us an email (