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Publications of L.-M. Po

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Journal Papers

  1. Y. Zhang, L.-M. Po. Variable tree size fractal compression for wavelet pyramid image coding. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 14(3):195-208, 1999. (more)

Conference Papers

  1. L.-M. Po, Y. Zhang, K.-W. Cheung, C.-H. Cheung. A novel subtree partitioning algorithm for wavelet-based fractal image coding. In Proc. ICASSP-98, Volume 5, 1998. (more)
  2. Y. Zhang, L.-M. Po, Y.-L. Yu. Wavelet transform based variable tree size fractal video coding. In Proc. ICIP-97 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Santa Barbara, California, 1997. (more)
  3. Y. Zhang, L. M. Po. Fractal color image compression using vector distortion measure. In Proc. ICIP-95 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Washington, D.C, 1995. (more)

Last update: 01.04.2004 by Ivan Kopilovic