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Publications 1988


  1. M. Barnsley. Fractals Everywhere. Academic Press, San Diego, 1988. (more)

Journal Papers

  1. M. F. Barnsley, A. E. Jacquin, F. Malassenet, L. Reuter, A. Sloan. Harnessing chaos for image synthesis. Computer Graphics, 22(4):131-140, 1988. (more)
  2. M. F. Barnsley, A. Sloan. A better way to compress images. BYTE Magazine, 1988. (more)
  3. B. Goel, S. Kwatra. A data compression algorithm for color images based on run-length coding and fractal geometry. IEEE International Conference on Communications, 3:72-78, 1988. (more)
  4. . Fractal shorthand. Scientific American, 258(2), 1988. (more)

Book Chapters

  1. M. Barnsley. Fractal modelling of real world images. In The Science of Fractal Images, H.-O. Peitgen, D. Saupe (eds.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1988. (more)

Conference Papers

  1. M. F. Barnsley, A. E. Jacquin. Applications of recurrent iterated function systems to images. In Proceedings from SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing, Volume 1001, Pages 122-131, 1988. (more)
  2. S. F. Reddaway. Fractal graphics and image compression on a DAP. In International Specialist Seminar on the Design and Application of Parallel Digital Processors (IEEE Conference Publication), Volume 298, Pages 0-0, London, Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1988. (more)
  3. K. Yang, L. Wu, M. Mills. Fractal based image coding scheme using Peano scanning. In Proc. ICASSP, Pages 2301-2304, 1988. (more)

Research Reports

  1. D. Wilson. Fractal image compression. Research Report Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, University of London, 1988. (more)

Last update: 01.04.2004 by Ivan Kopilovic