14:38:27 Von Q : yes 14:38:28 Von Q : yes we can 14:42:12 Von A : All Erasmus/Departmental Coordinators: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/international-office/study-abroad/study-abroad/erasmus/erasmus-departmental-coordinators/ 14:45:04 Von A : Academic Calendar: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/securedl/sdl-eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE3MTM4NzM3MjksImV4cCI6MTcxNDU2NDkyOSwidXNlciI6MCwiZ3JvdXBzIjpbMCwtMV0sImZpbGUiOiJmaWxlYWRtaW4vemVudHJhbC91bml2ZXJzaXRhZXQvaW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC9JbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsZV9TdHVkaWVyZW5kZS9TdHVkaWVyZW5faW5fS29uc3RhbnovQWNhZGVtaWNfWWVhcl8yMDI0LTIwMjVfU3R1ZGllbmphaHJfMjAyNC0yMDI1LUluZm8tV2lTZTIwMjMtMjQucGRmIiwicGFnZSI6NTY0MTF9.qUft-6qLJ7gqEZSqqheQGi5m_PbeK7hBwgX7FaKmfWE/Academic_Year_2024-2025_Studienjahr_2024-2025-Info-WiSe2023-24.pdf 14:45:50 Von A : Or can be found here: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/international-office/study-in-konstanz/exchange-studies/ 14:55:11 Von Q : in the registration page, there are also 2 departure dates. how do we select the appropriate one for ourselves? 14:58:35 Von Q : Can you repeat the price of GoKonstanz? 15:00:20 Von Q : by coordinator do you mean, the erasmus coordinator or the dean of the department? 15:00:49 Von A : GO-Kontanz 350 EUR 15:01:13 Von A : Departmental Erasmus/Exchange Coordinators 15:02:53 Von Q : The application asks to fill in the FIRST university enrolment. I have a question about this. I am currently in masters and going to ERASMUS during it as well, so do I understand correctly, that I have to fill the information about my masters studies not bachelor studies? 15:03:29 Von A : @Q: Two recommended arrival dates.. 15:04:29 Von A : @Q: No, first studies, so Bachelors 15:04:42 Von Q : Thank you! 15:04:47 Von A : Reacted to "Thank you!" with 👍 15:06:18 Von Q : How/when will the deposit fee be refunded if I don't get a room at Seezeit? 15:06:59 Von Q : Question regarding GoKonstanz. Where do we send the bank transfer information and what is the deadline for registering & sending the information? 15:07:15 Von Q : who we discuss the departure dates with? 15:07:26 Von A : Replying to "How/when will the de..." of Course you get refunded. If you give Seezeit your bank details, then they will Transfer it back very quickly 15:08:14 Von A : Replying to "How/when will the de..." Here the form: https://seezeit.com/fileadmin/Kundendaten/Downloads/02_Wohnen/02_Wohnen_bei_Seezeit/Formular_Kautionsrueckzahlung_Seezeit_DE.pdf 15:08:55 Von Q : If all my documents are uploaded and approved, but not the language certificate, it means that there is something wrong with it? 15:09:05 Von A : Replying to "Question regarding G..." The bank Details for transferring the GO-Konstanz fee will come with the letter of admission 15:09:23 Von Q : Reacted to "The bank Details for..." with 👍 15:09:23 Von Q : Replying to "How/when will the de..." Danke schön! 15:09:31 Von A : Replying to "Question regarding G..." Deadline for the steps for Admission is 15.5. 15:09:52 Von Q : Reacted to "Deadline for the ste..." with 👍 15:09:53 Von Q : which departure date is recommended- February or March? Since we don't know yet when our tests will take place? 15:11:06 Von A : Replying to "who we discuss the d..." Departure will depend on the courses you will select. Please check the academic calendar for more info on when to expect the exams/assessments at the end of the Semester (see above) 15:12:07 Von A : Replying to "If all my documents ..." No, it could just be that all other documents were checked and the language certificate will be checked later.. 15:12:13 Von Q : Replying to "who we discuss the d..." thank you ! 15:12:45 Von Q : Replying to "If all my documents …" @A thank you 15:12:47 Von Q : DSD language certificate is also good? 15:13:54 Von A : Replying to "which departure date..." Please check the academic calendar (see above) on when to expect the exams/assessments. As non-EU Student we generally recommend to chose end of March, so the visa will cover your study period and must not be extended. 15:14:17 Von Q : is a picture of my passport good enough? I don't own a scanner 15:17:26 Von A : Replying to "is a picture of my p..." ups, a picture/photo is fine, but it must be a pdf file 15:17:56 Von Q : ok, thank you! 15:18:12 Von A : Replying to "DSD language certifi..." You can find all accepted certificates here: https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/international-office/study-in-konstanz/exchange-studies/application/ 15:18:54 Von Q : Replying to "DSD language certifi..." I also have DSD, it was accepted. 15:18:55 Von J : So the deadline, 15th of May, is for the Transcript of Records, Language Certification, Passport and Proof of Payment? 15:20:52 Von A : Reacted to "So the deadline, 15t..." with 👍 15:22:11 Von Q : sorry, is the learning certificate given after the first process? 15:22:41 Von Q : just checking to see if I should have the email yet 15:24:08 Von Q : do you know if it is possible to refuse a seezeit accomodation if the one we get really is unadapted? (of course it's certainely not a good idea to do so, but i'd like to know) 15:25:33 Von Q : Is the learning agreement signed digitally? 15:25:35 Von A : Replying to "just checking to see..." learning certificate? You mean letter of Admission? 15:27:44 Von Q : Replying to "just checking to see..." the learning agreement, sorry 15:28:08 Von Q : okay, thank you very much 15:28:11 Von A : Replying to "Is the learning agre..." However your home University wants to have it. We're flexible..😉 15:29:41 Von A : Replying to "just checking to see..." Learning Agreement is an Erasmus document. So you will have to ask your home uni who is giving your Erasmus scholarship and sets the rules for you.. We just have to countersign the documents (we do not need it) 15:30:00 Von Q : Question regarding the language course in GoKonstanz, if I choose A1 or A2, can I change to a different level later on, say B2? If I find the level to be too easy/ difficult. 15:30:04 Von A : Reacted to "I also have DSD, it ..." with 👍 15:30:23 Von Q : Replying to "just checking to see..." ah okay, thank you 15:31:32 Von A : Replying to "Question regarding t..." You can Change anytime, but GO-Konstanz participants will hav to do an online placement in July/August before your arrival to determine your German skills 15:32:03 Von Q : Replying to "Question regarding t..." Okay, Vielen Dank! 15:34:21 Von Q : do you accept the osd as german certificate ? 15:35:09 Von Q : so the learning agreement is just oriententional and the subject that I have chosen are not set in stone? Also if I find out that the courses that have put into learning agreement are not taught the next semester, do I have to get a new learning agreement filled out? 15:35:12 Von Q : Can I have courses in both german and english? 15:36:27 Von Q : is that non Europeans as non EU? 15:39:45 Von Q : But ÖSD is listed as an accepted language certificate on the website od uni Konstanz? 15:42:47 Von Q : thank you!! 15:43:15 Von Q : thank you for answering so throughly! 15:44:13 Von Q : so no UK? 15:44:20 Von Q : makes sense 15:45:14 Von C : Reacted to makes sense with "😂" 15:45:33 Von Q : A réagi à "makes sense" avec 😂 15:45:33 Von Q : A supprimé un 😂 de "makes sense" 15:47:01 Von Q : Thank you! 15:47:54 Von Q an A(Direktnachricht) : I’ll do 9 months but the preset departure from konstanz for the winter semester in the application is at the end of march but since I’d like to stay 9 months so both semester how can I communicate it to Seezeit and how do I have to complete the application in this section? Thank you very much! 15:49:13 Von Q : Some courses are marked in ZEuS as lectures and some as exercise courses. When they have the same name and the exercise part does not have specific ETCS marked, then can I consider the pair of lecture and exercise course as one? 15:49:38 Von Q : thank you! 15:53:22 Von Q : Thank you 15:53:39 Von Q : It's snowing like crazy in Finland haha 15:53:42 Von Q : thank you!! 15:53:50 Von Q : thank you both! 15:53:54 Von C : thanks a lot!!! 15:54:20 Von Q : thank you!! have a nice rest of the day! 15:54:25 Von Q : thank you!!! 15:54:27 Von Q : Thank you 15:54:29 Von Q : Danke!