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Foto des Tagungsstand-Tisches

Focus on Imaging at the GBM Compact Symposium in Frankfurt

On September 26-27, the Compact Symposium of the Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM) took place in Frankfurt. The event offered an exciting program that included short talks by early-career scientists, poster presentations, and keynote lectures by leading scientists who are developing and applying groundbreaking imaging techniques for biological research. NFDI4BIOIMAGE participated with two workshops and a booth.

Posterausschnitt des Tagungsposters zum VDI Projekt

NFDI4BIOIMAGE subproject on VDI showcased at the 10th bwHPC Symposium

The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) subproject, aimed at enabling remote access to complete desktop environments for data analysis and visualization near large data sets, was showcased at the 10th bwHPC Symposium (High-Performance Computing Baden-Württemberg ), held on September 25-26 in Freiburg ( The team presented their work on the general architecture of the proposed access gateway and details on framebuffer capture, endocing and SPICE transport.

Review: International Parents' Information Day

The international parents' information day brought multilingual parents together with the City of Constance's Department of Education and Sport as well as numerous parent mentors and the University of Constance's Center for Multilingualism.

Informationsveranstaltung „§ 218 – Was brauchen Schwangere im Konflikt?“

Unter dem Titel
 „§ 218 – Was brauchen Schwangere im Konflikt?“
findet am 27.09.2024 um 19 Uhr im Kornhaussaal Ravensburg eine Informationsveranstaltung zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch statt. Anlässlich des „Safe Abortion Days“ 2024 soll über aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Empfehlungen zum Schwangerschaftsabbruch informiert und diskutiert werden.
 Prof. Dr. Liane Wörner, ihrerseits wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin der Kommission zur reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und…

Prof. Dr. Marius Busemeyer was interviewed by Deutschlandfunk about occupational education reform

Prof Dr Marius Busemeyer was interviewed by Deutschlandfunk about Germany's performance at the WorldSkills 2024 in Lyon, a skills competition in 59 different occupations. Young professionals compete in five areas of construction and building, social and personal services, manufacturing and engineering, information and communication, creative arts and fashion, as well as transportation and logistics. You can find the entire interview in german language here.

Wer Homeoffice ablehnt

Der Führungsstil entscheidet, ob ein Vorgesetzter Homeoffice unterstützt – oder ablehnt.

Workshop zu KI-Technologien am Tag der Informatiklehrerinnen und -lehrer Baden-Württemberg 2024

Im Rahmen des Tage der Informatiklehrerinnen und -lehrer Baden-Württemberg organisiert von der Heidelberg School of Education fand der Workshop „Künstliche Intelligenz für Informatik Lehrkräfte erklärt“ statt. Wir bedanken uns für das große Interesse. Lehrkräfte erhielten einen Überblick über Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) und deren Bedeutung in Bildung und Gesellschaft. Besonderes Highlight war die Anwendung des Tools „Unravel“, Gewinner des GI-Unterrichtspreises 2023, die als Lehrmittel…

Presentation at the DGF 2024

I will present my job market paper "Technology spillover effects and patent announcements" at the Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association in Aachen in September 2024.