Current news



Political sanctions: the tougher, the better?

Could implementing stronger sanctions targeting, for example, Russia, have prevented military aggression? Political scientists at the University of Konstanz publish a study on sanctions' potential.

[Translate to Englisch:]

First Konstanz Postdoc Week

The first Postdoc Week at the University of Konstanz takes place from 18 to 22 November 2024. It is aimed at postdocs of all career stages and disciplines. We will provide information on academic careers and alternative career paths, and promote networking and orientation at the University of Konstanz.

Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit

Das europaweite Integrationsprojekt ACTIN fördert die Integration von zugewanderten Kindern und Jugendlichen durch Spracherwerb, Bildung und Gemeinschaft. Die Projektpartner*innen aus sieben europäischen Ländern kommen im Oktober 2024 an der Universität Konstanz zusammen.

Summer school in Kosovo

Six researchers from the University of Konstanz's Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour offered an exciting week of teaching in Prishtina.

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