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Das Thurgauer Wirtschaftsinstitut an der Universität Konstanz lud unter der Überschrift "Bildung von heute für Arbeit von morgen" zum Bodensee Wirtschaftsforum 2023 ein.

Old photo of a man sittting in one of the first build cars.

People, cars and the elements

It contributed to a whole new perception of nature and yet soon became an environmental problem: How automobility changed people’s relationship to the environment and how this is reflected in American road literature is the subject of the ERC project of literary scholar Timo Müller, professor of American studies at the University of Konstanz.

Old photo of a man sittting in one of the first build cars.

People, cars and the elements

It contributed to a whole new perception of nature and yet soon became an environmental problem: How automobility changed people’s relationship to the environment and how this is reflected in American road literature is the subject of the ERC project of literary scholar Timo Müller, professor of American studies at the University of Konstanz.