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Intracontinental spread of alien plants

Many alien plant species in Europe and the Americas originate from their own continent, especially from low-latitude regions. The problem could be exacerbated by climate change. This is the conclusion an international research team led by biologists from Konstanz reach in their current study.

Literature that broke the ground for independence

Elise Richter prize for Anne Kraume: The Deutscher Romanistenverband (DRV) recognizes the Konstanz-based literary scholar for her habilitation thesis on the transatlantic connections in the works of fray Servando Teresa de Mier (1763-1827) on the eve of Latin American independence.

Literature that broke the ground for independence

Elise Richter prize for Anne Kraume: The Deutscher Romanistenverband (DRV) recognizes the Konstanz-based literary scholar for her habilitation thesis on the transatlantic connections in the works of fray Servando Teresa de Mier (1763-1827) on the eve of Latin American independence.

Literature that broke the ground for independence

Elise Richter prize for Anne Kraume: The Deutscher Romanistenverband (DRV) recognizes the Konstanz-based literary scholar for her habilitation thesis on the transatlantic connections in the works of fray Servando Teresa de Mier (1763-1827) on the eve of Latin American independence.

Wegweiser wissenschaftliches Arbeiten

Schon gesehen? Es gibt einen neuen Lernort in der Bib, gegenüber des Bib-Cafés. Der "Wegweiser wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" bietet Orientierung, Infos und Übungen passend zu allen Phasen der Literaturarbeit und des Schreibens und einen Überblick über die Angebote des Schreibzentrums und des Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrums.

Bäume im Innenhof

6th Doctoral Workshop on Quantitative Dynamic Economics

The Doctoral Workshop on Quantitative Dynamic Economics is jointly organized by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Université de Strasbourg and the Macroeconomics group of the University of Konstanz.

Intracontinental spread of alien plants

Many alien plant species in Europe and the Americas originate from their own continent, especially from low-latitude regions. The problem could be exacerbated by climate change. This is the conclusion an international research team led by biologists from Konstanz reach in their current study.