Current news

[hspKN] Sportfläche der Universitätssporthalle aktuell bis 22. Oktober gesperrt

Endlich ist es soweit: Die Universitätssporthalle bekommt eine moderne LED-Beleuchtung.

Da die Firma E-TEC in der Sporthalle mit zwei Hebebühnen zunächst die alte Beleuchtung abbaut, ist die Sportfläche bis einschließlich 11. Oktober leider nicht benutzbar. Weiterhin genutzt werden können das Fitness-Studio uniMotion und die Historische Gymnastikhalle. Wir informieren hier, sobald die Sportfläche wieder genutzt werden kann. Kontaktiert ggf. eure Übungsleiter*in, ob eine Alternative zur…

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Summer school in Kosovo

Initiated by Research Fellow Armin Bahl, six researchers from the University of Konstanz's Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour offered an exciting week of teaching in Prishtina.

Summer School in Kosovo

Initiated by Research Fellow Armin Bahl, six researchers from the University of Konstanz's Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour offered an exciting week of teaching in Prishtina.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Unlocking the secrets of multispecies hunting

Scientists have made extraordinary discoveries about how otherwise-solitary octopuses and various fish species coordinate their hunts: fish serve as guides, finding prey and flagging its location, and the octopus uses its flexible arms to capture the hidden prey.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Unlocking the secrets of multispecies hunting

Scientists have made extraordinary discoveries about how otherwise-solitary octopuses and various fish species coordinate their hunts: fish serve as guides, finding prey and flagging its location, and the octopus uses its flexible arms to capture the hidden prey.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Unlocking the secrets of multispecies hunting

Scientists have made extraordinary discoveries about how otherwise-solitary octopuses and various fish species coordinate their hunts: fish serve as guides, finding prey and flagging its location, and the octopus uses its flexible arms to capture the hidden prey.

Zwischenprüfungsklausur Strafrecht AT

Die Ergebnisse der Zwischenprüfungsklausur Strafrecht AT sind auf ZEuS für Sie freigeschaltet.

Bestandene Klausuren können zu den Öffnungszeiten des Sekretariats abgeholt und in nicht bestandene Klausuren kann Einsicht genommen werden (C 334, Mo-Fr, 9-12 Uhr).

Teaching Assistants (Tutors) at the FB Biology

Currently, we are looking for Teaching Assistants for the following classes: Form and Function in the Animal Kingdom, Basic Skills for Biology, Cellular and Organismal Zoology, CC Animal Physiology

Unlocking the secrets of multispecies hunting

Scientists have made extraordinary discoveries about how otherwise-solitary octopuses and various fish species coordinate their hunts: fish serve as guides, finding prey and flagging its location, and the octopus uses its flexible arms to capture the hidden prey. This research, led by experts from the Cluster of Excellence Collective Behaviour at the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, unveils the remarkable interplay and functional dynamics within these…