Current news



Prof. Florian Kunze was interviewed by SWR Aktuell about the beliefs of young employees

In a survey, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Hochrhein-Bodensee found out that for young people leisure time plays a major role in their lives while professional career is rather less important for many. Prof. Florian Kunze puts these results into context in SWR Aktuell and notes that older generations would also emphasise the importance of work-life balance in current surveys. You can find the entire article in German here.

Shadow profiles: the data of others

Shadow profiles in social networks contain information about people who are not members. At the moment, shadow profiles are almost impossible to prevent using technical means, pose a collective problem for society and are a matter that has gone virtually unregulated so far. This is where the Centre for Human | Data | Society at the University of Konstanz brings its perspective to the table: "Individual solutions will not fully protect our privacy."

Die Daten der Anderen: Shadow Profiles

Von sogenannten „Shadow Profiles“ ist die Rede, wenn soziale Netzwerke Informationen über Personen sammeln, die bei ihnen gar nicht registriert sind. Bisher sind solche „Schattenprofile“ technisch kaum zu verhindern, gesellschaftlich ein kollektives Problem und strafrechtlich kaum erfasst. Das Centre for Human | Data | Society an der Universität Konstanz nimmt sich der Thematik an und betont: „Individualisierte Lösungen werden nicht ausreichen, um unsere Privatsphäre zu schützen.“