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The data of the others: Shadow Profiles

When social networks collect information about people who are not registered with them, this is called a "shadow profile". But how do shadow profiles come about? Are they legal? What do they mean for our society?

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Coverbild der Publikation "Kunstgeschichte, Kunsttechnologie und Restaurierung: Neue Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit"

Kunstgeschichte, Kunsttechnologie und Restaurierung: Neue Perspektiven der Zusammenarbeit

Diese Publikation erscheint voraussichtlich im Frühjahr 2024.

In Museen, Universitäten, Forschungsinstituten, auf dem Kunstmarkt und in der Denkmalpflege arbeiten Kunsthistoriker:innen, Kunsttechnolog:innen und Restaurator:in-nen Hand in Hand. Sie teilen dabei das Interesse an Materialien und Materialitäten sowie die kultur- und naturwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf Objekte wie Gemälde, Skulpturen, Textilien u.v.m. Erstmals wird hier die Zusammenarbeit der Disziplinen veranschaulicht und für…

PhD Student Position in Cancer Epigenetics

We are seeking a dynamic and ambitious candidate to unraveling the molecular intricacies of genomic instability associated with metabolic alterations in p53-deficient tumour. By using both in vivo models and in vitro cellular systems, the project will employ high-throughput genomics techniques to decipher key metabolic-driven alterations in the epigenetic networks linked to genomic instability. The successful candidate will join the Doctoral Programme of the "Death Decision" Consortium, a…

Talk at OeAW Science Day Life 2023

The Science Day 2023 of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), celebrating the 15th aAnniversary of the Young Academy took place today in Vienna. Miriam gave a talk entitled “The Chemistry of the Abiotic-Biotic Interface”, contributing a chemical perspective on the emergence of life to the conference’s topic: Life. We thank the ÖAW for organizing such an amazing event and congratulate the Young Academy on its 15th anniversary!

Talk at HolzOberflächenTag 2023 in Vienna

Miriam gave an invited talk at the HolzOberflächenTag 2023 (Wood surfaces day) organized by Holzforschung Austria (Austrian Forest Products Research Society), which took place in Vienna, Austria on September 19th, 2023. Her talk focused on sustainable coating approaches and was entitled “Green organic chemistry – Opportunities and Challenges” (Grüne organische Chemie – Potentiale und Herausforderungen).  We thank organizers and participants for their interest and fruitful discussions.

Workshop: Restitución y Reparación para los pueblos indígenas en el marco del colonialismo en Sudamérica

The workshop is exploratory, interdisciplinary and academic. The participants (from culture, law and history studies) aim to survey and make accessible information on artefacts and human remains in Europe, create conceptual and normative bases of restitution and reparation for indigenous peoples since colonial times in South America. (Language: Spanish)

Picture: Mural by Lucas Quinto (Argentina)