Current news



Lecture by Judith Beyer in Geneva

In her talk Rethinking Community in Myanmar. Practices of We-Formation among Muslims and Hindus in Urban Yangon, Judith Beyer will introduce the concept of “we-formation” as a fundamental yet underexplored capacity of humans to relate to one another outside of and apart from demarcated ethno-religious lines and corporate groups.

Majority accepts arms exports

Majority accepts arms exports – under the right circumstances. A study with participation of the University of Konstanz examines the attitudes of people in Germany and France towards arms exports

Herausragende Forscherinnen

Herausragende Forscherinnen auf dem Gebiet der Neurowissenschaften. Sabrina Disch und Charlotte Lott mit Stiftung-Schmieder-Preis 2023 ausgezeichnet.

Capacity building and knowledge transfer in genomics and bioinformatics

The African BioGenome Project, a large-scale international research project involving Konstanz bioinformatician Abdoallah Sharaf, successfully launched its “Open Institute”. The institute’s mission: accelerating knowledge exchange in biodiversity genomics and bioinformatics.