The Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS) recently elected Timo Müller, professor of American studies at the University of Konstanz, as president. GAPS takes a critical look at European colonialism and its effects. A short interview with Timo Müller about postcolonial infrastructure.
The Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS) recently elected Timo Müller, professor of American studies at the University of Konstanz, as president. GAPS takes a critical look at European colonialism and its effects. A short interview with Timo Müller about postcolonial infrastructure.
The Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS) recently elected Timo Müller, professor of American studies at the University of Konstanz, as president. GAPS takes a critical look at European colonialism and its effects. A short interview with Timo Müller about postcolonial infrastructure.
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