Current news

International Conference: Cultures of Automobility (Oct 10-12, 2024)

The ERC-funded research project "Off the Road: The Environmental Aesthetics of Early Automobility" is hosting a conference at the University of Konstanz. "Cultures of Automobility" will feature presentations by over 30 researchers from various countries and disciplines, with keynotes by Lutz Koepnick (Vanderbilt) and Stéphanie Ponsavady (Wesleyan).

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Cohesion at the cellular level: flexible yet stable

Research teams from the Universities of Konstanz and Potsdam are analyzing how proteins work together to enable our cells to both stick and move. The marker protein paxillin is at the centre of their interest.

Cohesion at the cellular level: flexible yet stable

Research teams from the Universities of Konstanz and Potsdam are analyzing how proteins work together to enable our cells to both stick and move. The marker protein paxillin is at the centre of their interest.

Fellowship at the IAS

The Konstanz mathematician Mateusz Michalek was awarded a fellowship at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) for the 2024–25 academic year.

German Border Closure on the Basis of Article 72 TFEU?

The past weeks will be remembered as a tipping point when Germany joined the camp of governments supporting strict asylum policies. For the EU, the coming months will be a period of high risk, especially if the German government decides to refuse entry to asylum applicants at internal Schengen borders. Is that legally possible? And would such a step kill the Common European Asylum System? Professor Thym presents his answers in an OPEN-ED FOR DER SPIEGEL (‘Kann der »Merz-Plan« von Zurückweisungen…

Iscience Birthday Symposium

30 Years of Internet-based experimenting - zum Forschungsjubiläum und Geburtstag von Ulf-Dietrich Reips veranstaltet die AG Research Methods, Assessment and iScience ein Symposium an der Universität

One person is wearing a beekeeper's helmet. Two people are sitting and waiting for him and the bees he carries.

Waggle dance mysteries

How do bees navigate when the directions in the waggle dances by other bees are fuzzy? Dive into the intriguing research on bee behaviour, which occurs on the campus at the University Konstanz, to find out this research question.

One person is wearing a beekeeper's helmet. Two people are sitting and waiting for him and the bees he carries.

Waggle dance mysteries

How do bees navigate when the directions in the waggle dances by other bees are fuzzy? Dive into the intriguing research on bee behaviour, which occurs on the campus at the University Konstanz, to find out this research question.

One person is wearing a beekeeper's helmet. Two people are sitting and waiting for him and the bees he carries.

Waggle dance mysteries

How do bees navigate when the directions in the waggle dances by other bees are fuzzy? Dive into the intriguing research on bee behaviour, which occurs on the campus at the University Konstanz, to find out this research question.