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Der Fachbereich trauert um Zeshan Kroth

Zeshan Kroth studierte bei uns am Fachbereich im 4. Semester Chemie. Er verstarb völlig unerwartet und viel zu früh im Alter von 20 Jahren im Juli 2024. Der Fachbereich Chemie wird ihm ein ehrendes Andenken bewahren. Seinen Angehörigen gilt unsere aufrichtige Anteilnahme.

Plenary talk at the networking meeting of the German and the Austrian Academic Scholarship Foundation

Miriam gave the plenary talk at this year’s Summer Networking Meeting of the  the German and the Austrian Academic Scholarship Foundation (in German: Sommer Vernetzungstreffen der Österreichischen Studienstiftung mit der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) organized by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). In her talk, entitled “Breaking Boundaries – Water as Near-Universal Solvent for Chemical Production” (In German: “Grenzen auflösen – Wasser als nahezu universelles Lösungsmittel für die…

Recognizing a life's work

The International Society for Research on Aggression presented Konstanz researcher Thomas Elbert with the John Paul Scott Award, honouring his lifelong work in the field of aggression research.

Fractional positional jumps in stochastic systems with tilted periodic double-well potentials

We present a theoretical investigation of the stochastic dynamics of a damped particle in a tilted periodic potential with a double well per period. By applying the matrix continued fraction technique to the Fokker-Planck equation in conjunction with the full counting statistics and master equation approaches, we determine the rates of specific processes contributing to the system's overall dynamics. At low temperatures, the system can exhibit one running state and two distinct locked metastable…