Current news

Farewell to Dr. Dennis Wuhrer

Today we bid a fond farewell to Dr. Dennis Wuhrer, who was an invaluable part of our team. He brought passion, creativity and a unique perspective to our work. As he moves on to new adventures, we would like to thank him for his hard work and countless moments of joy. You will be greatly missed, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

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Naturwissenschaften als Exit Games

Naturwissenschaften spielerisch in echter Laboratmosphäre erleben? Das ermöglicht das Schülerlabor des Fachbereichs Chemie mit seinen Educational Exit Games. Das kostenlose Angebot bietet Spiele für verschiedene Jahrgangsstufen – von der vierten bis zur 13. Klasse.

Uni'Kon reported: "Tracking animal groups in the wild"

Behavioural researchers at the Cluster for Collective Behaviour are working hard to develop a method to understand the posture and movement patterns of individuals in animal collectives. They hope to gain insights into how information is passed on in the event of danger, for example.

(Article on German, starts on page 24)

Programme Postdoc Appreciation Week 2024 now online

The annual "Postdoc Appreciation Week" takes place across Germany from 16 to 20 September 2024. The Postdoc Appreciation Week intends to provide attention, visibility and support to postdocs, to promote and highlight existing postdoc networks and services, to create new connections and to integrate international postdocs. Research institutions, organisations and postdoc networks will offer a collective programme with in-person as well as online events and activities specifically for postdocs.…

Ich bin dann mal nicht wirklich weg

Das Verreisen dient dazu, die Urlaubszeit zu heiligen. Ein Soziologe hat Zweifel, ob das im Zeitalter weltweit roamender Smartphones überhaupt noch gelingen kann.