Current news

Integration praktisch - ein weites Feld

Beatrice Salamena untersucht im Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt an der Universität Konstanz, was in der Praxis hinter dem Begriff Integration steckt. Dazu begleitet sie aktuell zwei Berufsschulklassen.

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Catalyst from hot water

The research team of chemist Miriam Unterlass succeeded in producing organic and inorganic substances in a single process using an environmentally friendly method.

Catalyst from hot water

The research team of chemist Miriam Unterlass succeeded in producing organic and inorganic substances in a single process using an environmentally friendly method.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Moving furniture in the micro-world

An international research team led by physicists from Konstanz discovers a state of ultra-low static friction when rotating microscopic objects on crystalline surfaces.