Current news

Effect of relativity and vacuum fluctuations on quantum measurement

Vacuum fluctuations can obscure the detection signal of the measurement of the smallest quantum objects like single particles seemingly implying a fundamental limit to measurement accuracy. However, as we show relativistic invariance implies the disappearance of fluctuations for the spacelike spectrum of an observable at zero temperature. This complete absence of noise can be harnessed to perform noiseless measurement of single particles, as we illustrate for electrons or photons. We outline a…

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[Active Campus Konstanz] #notalone Run to CampusRun

Beim Abschluss der Aktionswochen "Mentale Gesundheit im Fokus" am 25.Mai wurde nach einem Qigong Training mit dem studentischen Senator Frederik Fritzsche das Sport- und Spielmobil LaRa genutzt und Termine für 3 verschiedene Laufgruppen #notalone Run to CampusRun festgelegt.

Laufgruppe Einsteiger*innen (ca. 5 Km) Mo 18.00 Uhr + Do 19.00 Uhr  Laufgruppe Mittleres Niveau (ca. 6 - 10 Km) Mi + Fr 08.00 Uhr  Laufgruppe Fortgeschrittene (ca. 12 - 15 Km) Mo + Do 18.00 Uhr

Auf drei verschiedenen…

Too impatient to get vaccinated?

Researchers from Konstanz and Switzerland examine willingness of Swiss hospital staff to get a COVID-19 vaccination – potential links to various behavioural factors and perceptions of social norms