Current news



Neue stellvertretende Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit

Die Mitarbeiterinnen des wissenschaftsunterstützenden Bereichs haben am 03. Mai 2022 abgestimmt. Britt Hummel aus dem Welcome Centre ist mit 76,4% der abgegebenen Stimmen zur stellvertretenden Beauftragten für Chancengleichheit gewählt worden.

Everything fluctuates

It has been an exciting first year since the Collaborative Research Centre "Fluctuations and Nonlinearities in Classical and Quantum Matter beyond Equilibrium" has been launched to explore one of the fundamental characteristics of the world around us – noise.

Thomas Malang interviewed on SWR3 in the Tagesspiegel on the "Conference on the Future of Europe".

The media articles each present the conference on the future of Europe that has just ended and describe its potential effects. Malang estimates the chances of a fundamental change in the EU's institutional balance of power to be rather low. He emphasised the possibility of transnational electoral lists in the 2024 European Parliament elections and a special focus on Europe's youth as particularly realistic and important for strengthening democratic legitimacy.

Tagesspiegel 09.05.

SWR3 Topthema…

Improtheater at Long Night of the Sciences

In the framework of the Long Night of the Sciences on 14 May, the Zukunftskolleg invited to an Improtheater entitled "Impro(ve) the future" with three of our fellows.