Current news



Das Strafrecht der alten Bundesrepublik (1949-1990): Der Besondere Teil des StGB

"Das Strafrecht der alten Bundesrepublik (1949-1990): Der Besondere Teil des StGB" soll auf einer interdisziplinären Tagung vom 12. bis 14. Mai 2022 für die Juristische Zeitgeschichte erschlossen werden. Herr Prof. Dr. Andres Popp  widmet sich in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für Kulturwissenschaftliche Forschung diesem Thema. Ein detailliertes Programm finden Sie hier. Die Teilnahme steht ganz ausdrücklich auch Studierenden und Doktoranden offen!"


Freigeist Fellowship for Hannah Williams

“Movement is a fundamental but complex phenomenon, and we are still a long way from being able to predict when and where animals decide to move and how they make these decisions”, says movement ecologist Dr Hannah Williams. To decipher the riddle the researcher from the Max Planck Institute for Animal Behavior receives a Freigeist fellowship of the Volkswagen Foundation. Williams will conduct her studies at the Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB) at the University of…

Discussion on climate change and its effects

Interdisciplinary symposium in the Konstanz Inselhotel on the relationship between climate, energy, ecology and society – Professor Gerd Ganteför from the University of Konstanz brings together renowned experts

Online-Experimente der AG Sozialpsychologie Konstanz: "Kopiere andere, um mehr zu wagen"

Risiken zu vermeiden ist nicht immer von Vorteil. Unvorteilhafte

Risikoabneigungen fallen schwächer aus, wenn wir bereit sind, von anderen

zu lernen. Das erfolgt sogar dann, wenn die Personen, von denen wir lernen,

dazu neigen, riskante, aber gewinnbringende Entscheidungen selbst zu

vermeiden. Dies zeigen mathematische Modellierungen und groß angelegte

Online-Experimente der Sozialpsychologen Dr. Wataru Toyokawa und

Professor Wolfgang Gaissmaier von der Universität Konstanz.

Prof Beyer at Heidelberg University

Prof Dr Judith Beyer will talk about "Rethinking Community in Myanmar: Practices of We-Formation among Muslims and

Hindus in Urban Yangon" at Heidelberg University on 17.05.2022, 5 p.m.

The lecture is part of the Colloquium Series of the Institute of Anthropology at Heidelberg University in the summer term 2022.

Copying others to dare

Learning from others can mitigate risk aversion, even if the others we learn from tend to avoid risky, but profitable decisions themselves. This is shown in mathematical modelling and large-scale online experiments by the social psychologists Dr Wataru Toyokawa and Professor Wolfgang Gaissmaier from the University of Konstanz.

Copying others to dare

Learning from others can mitigate risk aversion, even if the others we learn from tend to avoid risky, but profitable decisions themselves. This is shown in mathematical modelling and large-scale online experiments by the social psychologists Dr Wataru Toyokawa and Professor Wolfgang Gaissmaier from the University of Konstanz.

Public lecture postponed

The public lecture by former Federal President Joachim Gauck has been postponed due to illness. We will inform you about the new date in due course.