Current news



Cocalc Server available

We now have an installation of a Collaborative Calculation (CoCalc) server system. It's not connected to the SCCKN accounts, so just let me know to get a dedicated account. The server can be accessed via Any feedback is very welcome.

8. Kooperationstreffen Wirtschaftsgeschichte in Zürich

Das nächste Treffen zwischen den Wirtschafts- und Sozialhistoriker:innen aus Zürich, Basel und Konstanz findet am 12.04.2022 in Zürich statt. Interessierte Studierende, Doktoranden und Postdocs haben hier die Möglichkeit, aus Ihren Projekten vorzutragen.

Two new associates

The Working Group "Social and Political Anthropology" welcomes two new associate members: Prof. Jessica Greenberg and Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zaki.

Two new associates

The Working Group "Social and Political Anthropology" welcomes two new associate members: Prof. Jessica Greenberg and Dr. Mohammad Baqer Zaki.