Current news

[Active Campus Konstanz] Projektteam plant "Mentalen Mai"

Vom 03. - 25. Mai 2022 rücken die drei aktuellen Projektmitglieder des Active Campus Konstanz die Mentale Gesundheit von Studierenden in den Fokus.

Wenn Du in irgendeiner Form Deine Wünsche einnbringen möchtest oder Dich sogar in der Umsetzung beteiligen möchtest, komm per E-Mail auf das Team des Active Campus Konstanz zu. Der Mentale Mai soll etwas für alle werden und Deine Einmischung und Beteiligung ist höchst willkommen, ja geradezu heiß begehrt.

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On Saturday, at a demonstration against Russia's military attack on Ukraine, Jun. Prof. Dr Steffen Eckhard gave a speech calling for solidarity with Ukraine.

On Saturday, at a demonstration against Russia's military attack on Ukraine, Jun. Prof. Dr Steffen Eckhard gave a speech calling for solidarity with Ukraine. In addition to personal anecdotes, he named various ways in which staff and students can actively help. The speech can be read here.

A newspaper article on the demonstration can be found here.

New Zukunftskolleg Research Award

The Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz is introducing a new research prize: the Zukunftskolleg Research Award commends excellent academic achievements by young researchers and helps them to further develop their academic profile. For the inaugural award in 2022, nominations for scientific work on “The Evolution of Behaviour” are invited.

Equal Pay Day 2022

Der Equal Pay Day markiert symbolisch den Tag, bis zu dem Frauen umsonst arbeiten, während Männer seit dem 1. Januar für ihre Arbeit bezahlt werden.

Image of ukrainian flag

Statement regarding the war in Ukraine

"We must unite and look beyond citizenship for the sake of the higher goal of peace and freedom" say Nick Zubanov (born in Russia) and Oksana Melnyk (born in Ukraine)

second EU Science Hub report published

In collaboration with colleagues, Prof. Dr. Ines Mergel published a second @EU_ScienceHub

report on "GovTech practices in the EU - a glimpse into the #GovTech ecosystem, its governance and best practices" with a foreword by Commissioners Mariya Gabriel and Johannes Hahn.

New publication by Diana Galos

about migration and labour market outcomes of Southern Italian graduates published in Genus: Journal of Population Sciences

EU Science Hub report published

In collaboration with Peter Ulrich, Maciej Kuzmienski and Amanda Martinez, Ines Mergel published an EU Science Hub report. The report "Scoping GovTech dynamics in the EU" provides background information on GovTech dynamics within the EU.

Published in Frontiers

Changes of Self-Rated Health Status, Overweight and Physical Activity During Childhood and Adolescence—The Ratchet Effect of High Parental Socioeconomic Status