Current news



Konstantin Bätz examines a new EU measure that promises more clout on the global market

In a guest commentary in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Konstantin Bätz and Patrick Weber examine a new EU measure that promises more clout on the global market. The Anti-Coercion Instrument is described as an important step towards strategic autonomy, but it allows for too much flexibility, offers too little protection for private companies and neglects extraterritorial sanctions by EU partners. The guest commentary can be read here.

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider talks to the Stuttgarter Zeitung about Switzerland's crumbling relationship with the EU and its implications for the Lake Constance region.

Prof. Dr. Gerald Schneider talks to the Stuttgarter Zeitung about Switzerland's crumbling relationship with the EU and its implications for the Lake Constance region. Last April, Switzerland broke off negotiations with the EU for a framework agreement. This breakdown was also partly due to a growing nationalisation of politics in Switzerland and unsettled medium-sized companies in all parts of the four-country region of Lake Constance. The online article can be found here.

Einladung zum CorrelAid Workshop "Data visualization with R" am 25.01.2022

Are you currently writing your BA thesis and you want to include some nice and informative fancy plots? Or you are attending the course ‘data analysis with R’ and are curious what is possible besides hotpink and lightblue when it comes to visualizations? Then our workshop next week is perfect for you!

Illustration einer Frau am Rednerpult

"It's the data, stupid!"

20.01.2022, 17.00-18.30 Uhr: Vortrag in der ADILT-Ringvorlesung von Prof. Dr. York Sure-Vetter (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur)