Current news

[Translate to Englisch:] Rückansicht von Demonstrierenden. Eine Frau hält ein Plakat hoch in dem eine gesunde und eine kranke Erddarstellung zu sehen sind, mit dem Text "you decide"

Of science and conscience

In public statements by researchers, it is sometimes difficult to separate private persons from their official roles. Political scientist Gabriele Spilker shares how this can work.

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Albrecht Koschorke spricht mit über Narrative

Von der Wissenschaft über die Feuilletons bis zu Statements von PolitikerInnen: Der Begriff Narrativ findet in immer mehr Bereichen Anwendung. Was aber bedeutet er konkret? Und warum ergibt es für die Wissenschaft Sinn, sich ihm genauer zu widmen? Fragen an Literaturwissenschaftler Albrecht Koschorke, der über Narrative des Liberalismus forscht.

Ann-Sophie Lauterbach receives the LUKS prize for outstanding teaching!

The Department of Politics and Public Administration congratulates Ann-Sophie Lauterbach on receiving the LUKS Prize for Outstanding Teaching. Ann Sophie Lauterbach is a doctoral candidate at the Chair of Organisational Behavior of Prof. Dr Florian Kunze and works in the projects "Digitalization, Automation and the Future of Work in Post-Industrial Welfare States" at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality" since October 2020.

The LUKS Prize honours lecturers who practice very…

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo des European Policy Centre

Reinvigorating Schengen

The absence of internal border controls within the Schengen area is a major achievement of the European project. Several Member States have undermined its functioning by means of prolonged periods of ‘temporary’ internal border controls. These practices have often been illegal, in light of a CJEU judgment interpreting the Schengen Borders Code Regulation. In a remarkable move, the EU institutions have legalised prolonged periods of internal border controls in a revision of the legislation, which…