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Sport Psychology: New Publication

If-then planning, self-control, and boredom as predictors of adherence to social distancing guidelines: Evidence from a two-wave longitudinal study with a behavioral intervention

New paper published by Sharon Baute and co-authors!

In a new article, published in the Journal of Common Market Studies, Sharon Baute, Francesco Nicoli and Frank Vandenbroucke examine the role of reciprocity and deservingness in public support for European unemployment risk sharing. The study reveals that reciprocity in the architecture of the policy design mobilizes public support for European unemployment risk sharing. However, Europeans' sensitivity to 'conditional generosity' is shaped by their deservingness perceptions about the unemployed.…

Saving animal lives using Big Data

The Movebank ecosystem of tools offers a one-stop-shop solution to storing, sharing, and making sense of the deluge of data generated by the animal tracking revolution. The Big Data platform helps scientists study animal behavior and ecology, and it can save animal lives - by enabling large-scale conservation projects, but also in individual cases.

Die Kunst der Diplomatie

Agiert ein Bundeskanzler mit Präsidenten von Weltmächten anders als mit selbsternannten Inselkönigen? Auch Staaten sind nicht gleich. Diplomatie ist, davon erst einmal abzusehen.

Saving animal lives using Big Data

The Movebank ecosystem of tools offers a one-stop-shop solution to storing, sharing, and making sense of the deluge of data generated by the animal tracking revolution. The Big Data platform helps scientists study animal behavior and ecology, and it can save animal lives - by enabling large-scale conservation projects, but also in individual cases.

Saving animal lives using Big Data

The Movebank ecosystem of tools offers a one-stop-shop solution to storing, sharing, and making sense of the deluge of data generated by the animal tracking revolution. The Big Data platform helps scientists study animal behavior and ecology, and it can save animal lives - by enabling large-scale conservation projects, but also in individual cases.

Mit Big Data Tierleben retten

Das Movebank-System ermöglicht das Speichern und Teilen von Daten sowie die Analyse der Datenflut, die durch die Big-Data-Revolution im Bereich der Nachverfolgung von Tierbewegungen entsteht. Die Big-Data-Plattform hilft so WissenschaftlerInnen dabei, das Verhalten und die Ökologie von Tieren zu erforschen, und sie kann Tierleben retten – durch die Ermöglichung großangelegter Naturschutzprojekte, aber auch in Einzelfällen.