Current news

November NFDI-Meldungen

Die News-Meldungen umfassen folgende Themen:

1. GWK beschließt Millionen-Förderung des NFDI-Direktorats

2. Alle vier Sektionskonzepte veröffentlicht

3. Neuer NFDI-Newsletter ab November

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Open Science as a guiding principle

The University of Konstanz is one of the first German universities to adopt an Open Science Policy and declare a broader understanding of open research culture as one of its guiding principles.

KOMEX-Konstanz Methods Excellence Workshops

The KOMEX workshops offer cutting-edge, inclusive, and affordable methodological training in both qualitative and quantitative research design and techniques for PhD students and postdocs. Courses take place from March 10-11 (On-line preparatory course) and March 14-18, 2022 (in-person and on-line main courses at 4 ECTS) at the University of Konstanz, Germany—beautifully situated at Lake Konstanz, close to the Alps, near the borders to Switzerland and Austria. More information on the matter can…

CorrelAid Workshop am 07. und 09.12.: Web Scraping mit R

Herzliche Einladung zum CorrelAid Workshop "Web Scraping mit R"

Im Kurs scrapen wir zusammen eine Wikipedia-Seite über Wahlergebnisse in den USA und nutzen die Daten um weitere Informationen über die zur Wahl stehenden Politiker:innen über eine API (Programmierschnittstelle) abzurufen. Soviel sei verraten, wir begeben uns in die Abgründe der US-Parteienfinanzierung… Dabei besteht immer wieder die Gelegenheit, in kurzen Hands-On Sessions selbst das Coden zu probieren!

Termine: Di., 07.12. und…

New textbook on Qualitative Comparative Analysis using R

Eva Thomann co-authored the textbook “Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R: A Beginner’s Guide”, which was published in October. The book offers a hands-on and practical introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) including data sets, examples scripts and template files as well as quizzes and exercises to facilitate the learning process.

DFG-AHRC 3-year-grant for Tina Bögel

We congratulate Tina Bögel (former Associated Fellow / Linguistics) who has received a 3-year grant from The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) for her collaborative project with Alice Turk on the „Prosodic Structure at the Interface between Language and Speech“.

In den Medien:

Der Essay von Claudia Diehl: "Mythen der Zuwanderung" über ethnische Ungleichheiten auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt ist am 4.12. in der Süddeutschen Zeitung erschienen

Fabian's paper online (Small 2022)

Imaging the Single-Electron Ln–Ln Bonding Orbital in a Dimetallofullerene Molecular Magnet

F. Paschke, T. Birk, S. M. Avdoshenko, F. Liu, A. A. Popov, M. Fonin

Small 2022, 2105667, DOI:10.1002/smll.202105667

Chemically robust single-molecule magnets (SMMs) with sufficiently high blocking temperatures TB are among the key building blocks for the realization of molecular spintronic or quantum computing devices. Such device applications require access to the magnetic system of a SMM molecule by…