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Paper at ISMAR 2021

We are happy to announce the recently accepted conference paper that we will present at this year's IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 21):

Separation, Composition, or Hybrid? – Comparing Collaborative 3D Object Manipulation Techniques for Handheld Augmented Reality

Jonathan Wieland, Johannes Zagermann, Jens Müller, Harald Reiterer
University of Konstanz, Germany

Paper Session 16: 3D Manipulation
Free Livestream:

Crystalline Solids

Direct correlation functions (DCFs) play a central role in the statistical mechanics description of matter. DCFs provide relevant information about the structure and the thermodynamics of a system and are - in the case of solids - closely related to local defects and mechanical properties. The explicit evaluation of DCFs for an ordered solid has been considered to be computationally too demanding, so far; therefore these functions are traditionally approximated by their liquid counterparts. New…

Singing Tesla coil

Tag der Physik (physics day)

Is physics dry and boring? Not at all! And we’re ready to prove it: Come along to our Christmas lecture and prepare to be amazed. Let us treat you and your pupils to a number of exciting, astounding and entertaining experiments. The Tag der Physik is your chance to explore our department and research through a variety of tours and lectures.

Tag der Physik (physics day) 2021 takes place on December 15th, 2021 Covid-19-pandemic permitting.

Konjunkturaussichten 2022 für den Bodenseeraum

Am Thurgauer Wirtschaftsinstitut, einem An-Institut der Universität Konstanz, sprechen im Rahmen des Prognoseforums zwei Experten aus der schweizerischen Covid-Task-Force über die Wirtschaft in Zeiten der Pandemie