Current news



"STAYIN‘ ALIVE – living with contagion"

Pandemics and contagion over the course of human history – from ancient times to the present. This is the topic of a multi-university student exhibition project in Konstanz's "Turm zur Katz".

Geometrical Rabi oscillations and Landau-Zener transitions in non-Abelian systems

Topological phases of matter became a new standard to classify quantum systems in many cases, yet key quantities like the quantum geometric tensor providing local information about topological properties are still experimentally hard to access. In non-Abelian systems this accessibility to geometric properties can be even more restrictive due to the degeneracy of the states. We propose universal protocols to determine quantum geometric properties in non-Abelian systems. First, we show that for a…

Superrechner am KIT eingeweiht

Der neue Supercomputer des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) zählt zu den 15 schnellsten Rechnern in Europa und zu den 13 energieeffizientesten der Welt. Die enorme Rechenleistung des Hochleistungsrechners Karlsruhe, kurz HoreKa, macht neue Erkenntnisse etwa in Klima-, Energie- und Medizinforschung möglich.

Theory of quantum entanglement and the structure of two-mode squeezed antiferromagnetic magnon vacuum

Recent investigations of the quantum properties of an antiferromagnet in the spin wave approximation have identified the eigenstates as two-mode squeezed sublattice states. The uniform squeezed vacuum and one-magnon states were shown to display a massive sublattice entanglement. Here we expand this investigation and study the squeezing properties of all sublattice Fock states throughout the magnetic Brillouin zone. We derive the full statistics of the sublattice magnon number with wave…